Brazilian Stories

Lorena – Minas Gerais

My name is Lorena, I was born in the interior of Minas Gerais and decided to come to Ireland in 2014. I was doing an MBA when I got out of the chair and decided to change my plans. I always wanted to get to know the world, but I thought my money would not work until I realized how much that course cost me. Phew, I’m glad I saw it on time! haha

When did you arrive in Ireland and how long did you stay? I arrived in January 2015 and am up to the present moment – October 2018! The plan was to stay only a year, but I died of love for Ireland the moment I stepped on the island.

How did you find the lifestyle in the city/cities you lived in? I have lived in Dublin, Limerick and Galway. I love the Irish way of life – I think they look pretty much like us. That family evening for a very casual dinner, a happy hour at a cafe that ends at pints at some pub. When the sun resolves to appear, everyone leaves the house, whether for a walk or to sit in the park with their legs out.

How do Irish people differ to Brazilian people? I consider the Irish and Brazilians very similar in some respects, such as being very family, enjoying parties and celebrations, etc. I think the biggest difference would be the self-confidence we have naturally, the Brazilian way. They are usually shy and insecure, usually withdrawn until they feel comfortable enough in situations, while the Brazilian leaves the shame aside and does whatever has to be done.

What is your favourite thing about living in Ireland? The quality of life … walk down the street without fear, have the purchasing power to buy products that in Brazil would only be for “rich” and of course travel!

What are some of the things you dislike most about living in Ireland? Rain, definitely.

What are the things you or Brazilians miss most about living in Ireland? My friends and my family, the rest we find a way!

Where is your favourite place to visit in Ireland, and why? The woods here. I like the exchange of energy with nature when I go to the forests. Connemara (Galway area) is also has a place in my heart.

What advice would you give to somebody thinking about moving to Ireland? Come find out! Ireland is a sensory experience, it has to be lived in every way.

Author: James Osborne

Embora não seja brasileiro, James tem muitas influências brasileiras em sua vida, com um parceiro mineiro e muitos amigos e colegas brasileiros. James adora todas as coisas de tecnologia, em particular o desenvolvimento front-end da web e plataformas de código aberto, como WordPress e Joomla.
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