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Understand the Lockdown Exit Plan in Ireland

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In the next two months, Ireland will ease lockdown restrictions as vaccination progresses in the country, as vaccination will in theory cause the number of COVID-19 cases in the country to decrease.

Michaél Martin, Prime Minister of Ireland revealed that many things that have been closed in the country since Christmas will reopen in May from the 10th, such as hairdressers, click-and-collect among other things. From that same date, it will be possible to travel to other counties, something that has not been possible in the last four months. Meetings of up to 50 people can be held, such as at weddings, funerals and other things related to religion. It will also be possible for a vaccinated family to find an unvaccinated one.

From 17 May onwards, non-essential stores will also be open to customers and from 2 June hotels, pensions and accommodation will be able to negotiate for the reopening. The pubs will only open outdoors from the 7th of June. It is important to remember that the changes in June will depend on what will happen with the relaxation of the measures in the month of May.

The country’s prime minister praised the fact that the population respected the rules related to restrictions for a year, but added that it is essential to continue respecting for improvements to happen.

The Irish government plans to have 80% of the population vaccinated by the end of June and 55% fully vaccinated. For this it would be necessary that in the months of April, May and June an average of 1 million people were vaccinated, however a little more than 700,000 vaccines were applied by the end of April.

Ireland opened the country before Christmas 2020 very quickly, which has considerably increased the number of COVID-19 cases in the country. This served as a lesson for governments in terms of how to act in the face of the pandemic (in this case, what not to do), so it is expected that the reopening of trade and the country will be done gradually and responsibly so that it has good results. long-term results.

Author: Gabriela

I am passionate about learning regarding other cultures, traveling, experiencing and of course also sharing with other people. I love writing, creating, I am a language teacher and I also spread more about Brazilian culture around the world.
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