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Irish government urges hotels to support Ukraine refugees

Ukranians in Ireland

Last week, the Irish government appealed to hotels in the country to offer shelter to refugees arriving from Ukraine. To help establishments in this objective, the government provides for the payment of up to $135 Euros for each sheltered man.

The appeal is part of the government’s efforts to support refugees arriving from Ukraine. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of that country, it is estimated that around 40,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Ireland, with an average of 1,400 new refugees arriving each week.

This movement, according to information obtained by the Irish ministers, should continue, at least, until the end of the year. As a result, the government has taken steps to meet demand for at least another six weeks.

In an attempt to expand the options, the Irish government is looking for new contracts, with accommodation that meets the minimum contract requirements.

Thus, in addition to offering $135 Euros per adult taken in, the government will also pay an extra $25 Euros for a wife and each additional child.

Military Support

Since the Irish government proposed the deal with the hotels in March, which can house up to 50 refugees, these places have served as primary support for housing the Ukrainians. However, these contracts are coming to an end and it is not yet known if all establishments are interested in renewing the contract.

One of these interim measures is the purchase of military tents to house new refugees while they are unable to find a place to stay. On the 19th, about 150 refugees from Ukraine arrived at the Gormanston military base, where 40 tents provide temporary shelter. 

Despite efforts to serve everyone, there is still concern about supplies, as the global crisis makes it difficult to transport these inputs. 

The Knockalicheen Direct Supply Center has also been provided with makeshift tents, which can house up to 150 refugees. The goal is for refugees to stay in these places for a maximum of one week, before being moved to more structured places.

In order to meet the demand, the Irish Defense Forces are carrying out a survey of all available tents. If this is not enough, there is the possibility that the Army will need to order new tents from its supplier, which is in Germany.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, around six million Ukrainians have left the country. However, of these, two million have already returned to Ukraine. 

With no end in sight to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, European countries that are committed to receiving Ukrainian refugees, such as Ireland, are scrambling to adopt measures to meet the demand.

With the purchase of new military tents and efforts to renew contracts signed with accommodation establishments, the Irish government believes that the country will be able to receive the demand of refugees from Ukraine for at least another six months. In addition, new measures are being studied so that Ireland can offer all the necessary structure to serve this public.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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