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How to vote in Brazil’s elections while in Ireland?

Voting in Ireland - Brazil

Elections in Brazil take place on October 2 (first round) and October 20 (second round). If, in this period, you are in Ireland, therefore, you have two alternatives in this case. First, you can justify the vote; second, you can go to the polling place and exercise your right as a Brazilian citizen. Check out how to proceed in each case.

The right to vote is a democratic tool for government officials to be elected by the majority of the population. Thus, in Brazil, there are two direct elections. One to choose municipal representatives and another for state and federal representatives, each of them takes place every four years, in alternate years.

Why vote?

In 2022, the general elections take place, to choose our federal and state representatives. Thus, you need to vote for the positions of:

  • State Deputy – 5 digits
  • Governor – 2 digits
  • Federal Deputy – 4 digits
  • Senator – 3 digits
  • President – 2 digits

However, being outside the country, you will only be entitled to vote for president.

In Brazil, voting is mandatory and those who do not wish to participate in the process must justify their absence on election day. In each case, you receive a protocol for fulfilling your electoral obligations.

This protocol is required in some cases, such as for traveling outside the country, as it is required to obtain a passport, or to assume some public positions. Therefore, if you simply do not show up to vote or justify your vote, you will not have this protocol and, in the future, you will be harmed in some bureaucratic procedures.

How to vote in Ireland?

If, on election dates, you are outside Brazil, then you will need to vote, or justify your vote.

It is estimated that around 10,000 Brazilian citizens will vote in Ireland. In total, the Government estimates that there are almost 700,000 Brazilians voting abroad.

The only polling place in Ireland will be in Dublin, at the Erin School of English, which is located at 43 North Great George’s Street, D01. Postal code: N6P2. At the location, 16 electronic voting machines will be available to Brazilians, from 8 am to 5 pm, Dublin time.

To participate in the electoral process, you can take your E-Título, an application available for iPhone and Smartphone, and a photo document, preferably your passport. Through this application you can also justify the vote. Another alternative, to justify, is through the website of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).

It is worth remembering that the deadline for transferring the title has already ended and will only be reopened after the elections. Therefore, if by now you have not transferred your title to Ireland, you will have to justify the vote.

Therefore, if you are a Brazilian citizen and you are in Ireland, don’t miss the date, exercise your role as a citizen and participate in the most democratic process in Brazil, the elections. 

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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