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Dublin Street closed off due to anti social, littering and drug use problems

drugs, inner city, anti social, littering

Public access to a street in Dublin city center has been restricted due to persistent issues of uncontrollable anti-social behavior, drug use, and illegal dumping. Harbour Court, situated across from the Abbey Theatre, has become a problematic area, leading Dublin City Council to implement the closure.

This laneway, serving as a pedestrian route with access to the quays, has posed challenges for law enhe difficulty in policing the area. Ring highlighted the significant length of O’Connell Streeforcement. Dublin City councillor Nial Ring explained the necessity of the decision, citing tt compared to the constrained resources available to the gardaí for patrolling. He expressed concerns about the street’s layout, providing multiple entry and exit points, making it challenging for effective law enforcement.

With ongoing and increasing problems in inner city Dublin, it may not be the last area blocked off to ensure public safety.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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