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Why does Ireland attract so many multinationals?

Dublin City Business, Corporations in Dublin, Ireland multinationals

Do you know what companies like Google, Facebook, Pfizer, EA Games and Airbnb have in common? Its headquarters are in Ireland. These are just a few examples, as, in addition to global giants, Ireland is increasingly attracting startups, which leads many people to call the country the Silicon Valley of Europe. Understand better why this phenomenon is happening in Ireland.

The struggle to attract investment in Europe is not an easy one. Competition with countries like Switzerland, for example, is fierce. However, with long-term planning and right decisions, Ireland has managed to stand out when it comes to attracting multinationals, mainly related to technology.


First, it is undeniable that the tax burden attracts investors. With a 12.5% ​​tax rate on these companies. To give you an idea, in Brazil, the average is 34%, in the United States it is 35% and the world average is 22.96%, according to a study carried out by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), in partnership with the consulting firm Ernst Young.

The country also maintains several tax treaties with other countries, such as the United States, Canada, China, Japan and Australia, attracting investors from these places. In addition, startup companies enjoy tax exemption for the first three years, except for the super profit €320 Euros

Skilled workers

The existence of large technology companies, the growing number of foreign students and a relatively young but well-trained workforce is the ideal scenario for companies to find qualified workers.

Ireland has a young population, with an average age of 35 years. A 2010 study by the Education Commission of the European Union pointed Ireland as the country that “produces the most employable young graduates in the world”, that is, the student finishes their studies with the best qualifications on the planet.

Culture of cooperation

Another factor that definitely puts Ireland in the spotlight are the partnerships between universities and companies, which generate more and more qualified professionals. Cooperation at different levels, such as hiring interns, preparing studies and developing projects generate positive results for companies, universities and students, generating a positive and attractive cycle for all.

Land of opportunities

As we have seen, Ireland is increasingly attracting giant global companies and new talent looking for the country for their startups. In this way, the country has become a land of opportunities, for those looking for good jobs and for those who want to expand their business in foreign lands.

If you are thinking about a safer working life outside the country, as we saw in this article, Ireland is one of the best options for you. Think about it!

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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