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Where to have a coffee in Dublin

cafeteria, cafe Dublin

For most Brazilians, a good cup of coffee is the ideal company in the morning, to wake up well, or in the afternoon, especially in a conversation between friends. So, when we are in another country, having a good coffee brings us that affective memory.

The relationship between Brazilians and coffee is so strong that many people who did not drink coffee in Brazil start drinking it when they are abroad, precisely because of this connection the country has with coffee.

That’s why we’ve separated five coffee shops in Dublin that you need to know. Some stand out for their variety of drinks, others for side dishes and still others for the atmosphere. So, whatever your preference, in Dublin you will find great options for that delicious coffee..


Third Floor Expresso, a chain of coffee shops known for 3ef, offers many drinks options, and has stores throughout Dublin and even in Belfast , in Northern Ireland. The Grand Canal Street Café is a cozy place that offers a rich menu with good options for coffee lovers. 

The full breakfast menu is available all day, so the place is popular for brunches, especially on weekends.

The place uses grain from Ireland itself to make its drinks, as well as imported grains, even for you to take home. So, if you want to discover different types of gourmet coffee, this is the ideal place.

Check the location here.


Queens of tart

If you’re the type who likes to snack on a sweet while sipping your coffee, then you need to check out Queens of Tart, a charming and inviting place. By the way, don’t be surprised if there are some people waiting to enter the place.

With so many options for pies, cakes and cookies, this is a paradise for those who use coffee as an “excuse” to eat a nice slice of candy.

Check the location here.


The Stage Door Cafe

One of Dublin natives’ favorite spots, The Stage Door Cafe is more restaurant than coffee shop, but it can’t be off our list, as this is one of the top rated places on sites like Tripadvisor.

In addition to various coffee preparations, you can also choose one of their meals that are so popular among the Irish. All this at affordable prices.

Check the location here


Café Shoe Lane

If you like a rustic but well decorated place with a nice feminine touch then you can visit Cafe Shoe Lane. The establishment receives its name (Shoe, shoe in English) because, on site, there was a shoe store.

The decor includes some period objects, such as a sewing machine that was used to make shoes.

If you want a moment to rest, or in the company of a good friend, to have a coffee to relax, then this is a calmer and more inviting place for these moments.

If you are lactose intolerant, then you can order one of the alternative, non-cow milk-based drinks.

Check the location here.


Vice Coffe Inc

A modern place, best suited for those who like to have a cup of coffee with good friends. 

However, the cafeteria is located inside a space called Wigwan, where there is even a Brazilian restaurant. Therefore, a good place for you to eat a meal with the spice of the land and, later, have a delicious coffee, to feel at home.

Check the location here.


Where to grab a coffee in Dublin

If you don’t miss the opportunity to grab a coffee, then you need to know that Dublin is full of options. In addition to the alternatives above, you can also get to know:

  • Happy Out – A quiet place that offers the basics, but everything is served in an elegant way and with service that captivates the customer.
  • Joe’s – A chain of coffee shops that is very successful in Dublin, offering coffee and food from Vietnam, where the owner lived for a few years.
  • Coffee District – A charming place on the rise. So, a great place to get to know
  • Legit Coffe – With great options for coffee and snacks, this is a spot that is also becoming popular, so it gets crowded at certain times. So, if you want to visit Legit Coffe, avoid peak hours.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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