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Where to buy clothes in Ireland

Shopping in Ireland

If you’re going to spend a few days in Ireland, maybe it’s a good idea to buy some clothes there, especially for cold weather. That way you don’t need to take a big suitcase and you can still save some money, since, normally, the prices of winter clothes in Ireland are a little better than those practiced in Brazil.

In a globalized world, we cannot say that there is so much difference between consuming some products in one country or another. Clothes, food, computer products or household items, for example, have very similar values ​​in most countries in the world today.

However, in some cases, you can save a little. Comparing Brazil and Ireland, for example, you can see that you can pay slightly cheaper prices in the European country. Therefore, if you are going to travel to the Emerald Island in the cold season, maybe a good tip to save money is to buy some cold clothes there.

Where to buy clothes in Ireland

Regardless of the season, clothing stores in Ireland offer promotions and good prices. One of the best known stores is Penneys, one of the cheapest department stores in the country.

For many foreigners and tourists this is the first option when it comes to buying clothes at affordable prices. However, like everywhere else, you have to pay attention to the quality. That’s because some cheaper parts are of dubious quality. So keep an eye on it.

Another popular store in Ireland, and in many European countries, is the H&M chain, which offers better quality products. This is an option for those who want to spend a little more for better products. 

The store is often used by those who stay in Ireland for a few months, as it offers discount coupons for their next purchase. Therefore, if you intend to stay a few weeks or months in Ireland, taking advantage of these coupons can be a good way to renew your wardrobe with good quality products.

One of the most popular stores among young people is Forever 21, which is aimed at a younger audience. Therefore, here you will find more cool and modern clothes. If you’re the more conservative type, then you may need to do some research to see if you can find something here that appeals to you.

Other interesting stores to buy clothes in Ireland are:

  • Avoca
  • TK Maxx
  • Boots
  • Debenhams

So if you are planning to buy some clothes in Ireland, these are some options that offer good products at affordable prices. It is worth noting that in popular markets it is also easy to find pants, shirts and shoes at prices you can afford.

So now it’s up to you. Build your itinerary, set aside a few Euros and happy shopping.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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