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Valentine’s Day: where to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Dublin

Dublin Valentines
Dublin Valentines

Tomorrow, 14th February is Valentine’s day in Ireland, along with several other countries around the world. Unlike Brazil, where the 12th of June is celebrated, the tradition in Ireland has a religious origin.

There are several explanations for the origin of the date, but the most accepted date of the third century. At that time, Emperor Claudius II banned marriages because he believed that single men were better soldiers. Valentine, a priest from Rome, defended marriage, and went on to perform hidden ceremonies in secret. When the emperor found out, the priest was arrested and sentenced to death. But during the period in which he was imprisoned, Valentine ended up falling in love with the daughter of a jailer. Before being executed, he sent a love letter to the girl, signed “from her Valentine”, which explains the modern tradition of sending cards to the loved one.

However, it was only in the 5th century that the date came to be celebrated, when Pope Gelásio designated February 14 as Valentine’s Day, making it the symbol of lovers and couples in love. At the time, the date was celebrated with a party called Lupercalia, which celebrated fertility and marked the beginning of spring.

The date’s traditions have evolved into what it is today: a date to show affection for the other person. This is done in several ways, some couples go out to dinner, others exchange gifts or simply a message of love for the other person.

If you’re the type who likes to go out, we’ve selected some special places to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Dublin:

Stella Cinema

A classic cinema from the 1920s that has been restored and maintains the original architecture of the time. For couples, the cinema room has leather sofas with a table and a footrest. But if you want to get really comfortable, there is the option of the bed, which are in front of the screen. Both options cost € 38 (for two people). In addition, there is a bar serving drinks upstairs. To make a reservation and see the films that are playing, just access the website.

Fab Food Trails

Rather than choosing one restaurant, why not choose six? This gastronomic tour lasts about three hours and includes a tasting at six or seven restaurants. In addition to learning more about food, the guides also provide information about the culture and history of the places. The experience costs € 65 per person, and the tour starts at 10am. Reservations can be made through their site.

National Botanic Gardens

A calm and romantic place, located three kilometers from the center of Dublin. The botanical garden offers a special guided Valentine’s Day tour, which explains the origin of the date and the love life of birds. The walk takes place from 15h to 16h and costs 5. Reservations can be made through the website. If you just want to visit the garden, admission is free!

Royal Botanic Gardens Dublin Ireland

Love Lane

This alley at Temple Bar has been transformed into an art gallery full of love, with a mural full of hearts and phrases of love. The site is a hit on Instagram, and is the perfect setting to take a photo and declare love for your partner. To find the location, search for Crampton Court in your map application.

Love Lane Dublin, Template Bar

Fumbally Stables

Formerly a stable, this place was transformed into a space for courses, events and gastronomy. On Saturday, February 15th, the place offers a course of natural fermentation breads, from 11am to 1pm. The cost is 35 per person and reservations can be made through the website. Are there any discounts for students. In addition, every Saturday there is a fair, from 10 am to 2 pm, which sells vegetables, fruits and other foods from local producers.

Whitefriar Street Church

Ireland has a very strong connection with St. Valentine. the remains of the patron saint of love were donated by the church in the 19th century by Pope Gregory XVI, and today they are in Dublin. You can visit the altar of St. Valentine in the church of Whitefriar, in the center of the city.

If you do plan to visit any of the above places be sure to use the hashtag on instagram

Author: Pedro

Trabalho com marketing digital e morei por dois anos na Europa. Gosto de escrever sobre viagens, negócios e entretenimento, além de compartilhar dicas e conselhos para brasileiros que moram fora do país.
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