Brazilian Stories

Starting all over again…from Brasilia to Cork!

Mariana comes from Brasilia, and decided to come to Ireland to study English after graduating in advertising and publicity. She choose to study in Cork after researching the various schools and regions. She hopes to make use of her experience in Ireland for when she returns to Brazil, ready to start her career. 

When did you arrive in Ireland and how long did you stay?: I arrived this year, at the start of the Irish summer, which is a lot different to the summer at home! 

How did you find the lifestyle in the city/cities you lived in?: I really like living in Cork. In Brasilia, the city where I lived it is the capital city and always super busy. Here it is much more quiet and also secure. I have a decent quality of life and the Irish are friendly. There are many beautiful places here such as churches, shops, lakes and a beautiful river which flows through the city.

How does the lifestyle differ to Brazil?: My lifestyle in Brazil was extremely different. I had a car, my job was as advertising and i did not work on weekends. Here I walk a lot every day, I work as a kitchen porter and work all weekend. Here I am starting over my life!

How do Irish people differ to Brazilian people?: Yes. They are very different. Brazilians are more friendly and caring. The Irish are a bit cold in my opinion, that’s a cultural issue. In Brazilians we are accustomed with hugs and kisses. This is just one of many other cultural differences.

What is your favourite thing about living in Ireland?: My favorite thing here is the green of the trees and plants. I am surrounded by nature at all times. I feel energized by the trees. They brighten my days.

What are some of the things you dislike most about living in Ireland?: I live far from downtown, so i walk for 40 minutes every day until I’m home. Cork is not a flat city, so I face many slopes to get home. This makes me very tired every day. I can not move closer to the center because the rents are too expensive.

What are the things you or Brazilians miss most about living in Ireland?: As soon as I arrived, I was very surprised by the Irish cuisine. In Brazil we are accustomed to eating rice, beans tempered with garlic and bacon, and many other seasonings that are different. Here the beans are sweet, people eat lots of potatoes and lots of sausage. The meals are different. After a month here, I got used to the food and even learned what to buy closer to Brazil. My biggest miss is not the food, it’s my mother. living away from home is a daily challenge.

Where is your favourite place to visit in Ireland, and why?: My favorite place is Fitzgerald Park, is beautiful, It has a beautiful river, birds and many green areas. It’s a great place to relax.

What advice would you give to somebody thinking about moving to Ireland?: Do not buy so many clothes to come. Do not bring high heels, you will not wear them. Here people only wear comfortable shoes and boots. Be more humble every day. Here we are children in learning. It does not cover so much. Have patience with you. Do not panic with accommodation you will find. Get out of Brazil, you’re here. and live intensely.

Author: James Osborne

Embora não seja brasileiro, James tem muitas influências brasileiras em sua vida, com um parceiro mineiro e muitos amigos e colegas brasileiros. James adora todas as coisas de tecnologia, em particular o desenvolvimento front-end da web e plataformas de código aberto, como WordPress e Joomla.
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