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Search for remote jobs in Ireland rises 158% in March

remote work ireland

Ireland saw a jump in the number of remote job searches, growing 158% in March, according to data from the Indeed job search site.

The data also reveals that job searches “in any occupation” more than doubled in the last month, showing that people are looking for any job, even outside their areas of expertise. Location, however, remains an important factor, with candidates looking for work close to home.

The increase in the search for remote jobs is a possible reflection of high unemployment, caused by the coronavirus crisis, as we have already shown in this article. Some 591,000 people have lost their jobs since the pandemic began, and another 347,000 are having their salaries subsidized by the government. Ireland’s unemployment rate is estimated to reach 22% in the coming months.

Irish report longer working hours from home

Another survey by recruitment site reveals that 9 out of 10 employees are working from home during the pandemic.

Of these, 44% believe they work longer hours while at home, when compared to a normal day at the office. There are several reasons: 21% say they are unable to leave work, 12% feel less efficient working from home, and 11% claim to have more tasks than normal.

Despite long hours, most employees (55%) try to maintain a regular routine, even working from home. More than half (55%) wake up at the same time they used to wake up before the pandemic. Another 42% admit sleeping more, since they do not spend time commuting, but start working at their usual hours.

Distractions can be a problem

Maintaining productivity in the home office is always a challenge. Almost all employees (94%) say they take a break during work, but with more flexibility in their hours. Many take the break to cook (70%), get some fresh air (46%) and spend more time with the family (34%).

Despite greater flexibility, many workers need to balance their work routine with personal responsibilities, especially those with children or dependents. About half (51%) of employees say they are interrupted by family members, and 22% divide their time between work and children’s education, as classes are suspended. Among the biggest distractions, the washing machine leads the ranking (22%).

The workplace influences productivity a lot. The survey revealed that the kitchen table is the main choice among workers (44%), since only 20% have an area dedicated especially to working at home.

Finally, 79% of the interviewed employees say they miss the workplace, and the overwhelming majority (89%) list socializing with colleagues as the main reason. Other reasons include the presence of an appropriate table (62%) and other facilities at the workplace (25%).

Even gaining more followers every day, remote work has its advantages and disadvantages, and employees and companies have been adapting well to the new reality. As tempting as it is to work in pajamas, it is important to maintain a work routine, always seeking a balance between personal and professional life, and never forgetting health!

Is that you? Do you prefer to work from the office or from home? How was your experience with home office? Tell us!

Author: Pedro

Trabalho com marketing digital e morei por dois anos na Europa. Gosto de escrever sobre viagens, negócios e entretenimento, além de compartilhar dicas e conselhos para brasileiros que moram fora do país.
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