Brazilian Stories

Rai – a Brazilian full of dreams

Hi, I’m Rai, a Brazilian full of dreams like most Brazilians I know. I moved to Ireland to learn English, take time out of my life in Brazil and invest in my International career. I am graduated in Biological Sciences and I hope to acquire life experiences and professionals. May the exchange be of great value here on this enchanting Island!

When did you arrive in Ireland and how long did you stay? Arrived here in late September 2017 and here I am still.

How did you find the lifestyle in the city/cities you lived in? Every town or village in Ireland that I visit, I can see charms, beauties. Some are quieter, some are more busy. When I arrived here I lived in Limerick, then lived in Killaloe for a couple of months in a small resort town in County Clare and then returned to Limerick. Six months ago I moved to Galway where I found a job at a Hotel and I renewed my second visit here. The first time I visited Galway I did not like it, it rained a lot I was with a lot of headache. I came back for a job interview. In less than a week I moved and I do not want to change anymore! Now I just love it, Galway is great for me!

What is the difference between the Irish and the Brazilians? I particularly find the Irish people very receptive and festive. For me what differentiates it is the cold and rainy weather. The human warmth is the same!

What is your favourite thing about living in Ireland? Without a doubt, it is the quality of life in every way.

What are some of the things you dislike most about living in Ireland? The fact that it rains very often disturbs me a bit, but it’s nothing to disturb my life here or make me wail. However, I chose to live on this Island knowing the weather conditions. So I do not question nature, I just try to adapt to it.

What are the things you or Brazilians miss most about living in Ireland?  Family, friends and Sun.

Where is your favourite place to visit in Ireland, and why? I love to be close to nature, so whenever I have the opportunity, I will spend time with friends or pedaling.

What advice would you give to somebody thinking about moving to Ireland? My tips are: research everything before leaving Br. Have good judgment and filter information. Study English before you come, do not forget to learn only when you get here. Come prepared financially, sometimes you find a job very fast, sometimes it takes time. You have to be open-minded and think twice about the weather. Preferably study a little about the Geography of the Country. It is no use getting here and then start complaining that it is cold, raining and windy enough. Ireland is an Island Located in the extreme west of Europe, its location is subject to the entrance of oceanic winds brought by the Gulf Stream, being for that reason, a climate characterized by its great humidity, with an annual rainfall period. which goes from 175 to 250 days. Already the amount of rain that falls the whole year varies between 750 mm and 1,500 mm. For more information read here: No longer be very happy, as and when you can. Good luck!

Author: James Osborne

Embora não seja brasileiro, James tem muitas influências brasileiras em sua vida, com um parceiro mineiro e muitos amigos e colegas brasileiros. James adora todas as coisas de tecnologia, em particular o desenvolvimento front-end da web e plataformas de código aberto, como WordPress e Joomla.
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