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Number of Brazilians in Ireland increases fivefold in six years

Brazilians in Ireland

Between 2016 and 2021, the number of Brazilians in Ireland rose from 13,600 to 70,000, according to an estimate by the Brazilian Embassy in Dublin. This shows how receptive the country is to Brazilians and how easy it is to adapt to the country. The ease of finding a job and being able to live regularly in the country are attractions that drive more and more foreigners to live in Ireland. Most arrive in the country as exchange students and, when they find a prosperous and receptive country, decide to continue living in the country. 

The majority of Brazilians in Ireland who arrive in Ireland, according to the Embassy, ​​obtain the visa called STAMP 2, which is offered to those who wish to study in the country, being able to work up to 20 hours per week in the months of classes and up to 40 hours per week, during vacation periods. To obtain this visa, you must prove that you are going to take a course of at least 25 weeks and that you must demonstrate that you have $3,000 or more to live in the country during this period. During the study period, a part of Brazilians find a good job opportunity and prefer to stay in Ireland, enjoying a good quality of life and financial stability.

Also, according to the Embassy of Brazil, even Brazilians who have a passport from another country, such as Portugal, Spain or Italy, prefer to live in Ireland, due to several factors such as:

  • Stabilized economy Job
  • opportunities
  • Better salaries
  • Lifestyle

In addition , the language, English, is a relatively easy language to learn, especially for those who are already going to the country to do an exchange. Also, according to the Embassy, ​​most Brazilians in Ireland are singles who do not have children, a profile that facilitates getting around the country and gives them freedom to choose jobs that require a little more dedication.

Is it worth living in Ireland?

When you arrive in Ireland, of course, you will hardly get a job that pays a lot, however, even with the country’s minimum wage, which is one of the best in Europe, you will be able to pay your bills, shop and even save money. Even with less prominent professions, such as delivery man, nanny or receptionist, you can maintain a dignified life and this is one of the factors that attract more and more Brazilians to Ireland.

According to the website E-Dublin, around 39% of immigrants arriving in Ireland get a job within 30 days. Of the remainder, about 37% get a job within 90 days. This agility in getting their first job means that people who stay there end up calling friends and family to do the same, attracting even more Brazilians to Ireland.

If you are thinking about changing your life, with new opportunities, dreams and goals, a good alternative is to study and live in Ireland.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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