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New measures to contain spread of Covid-19 announced by Irish government

Irish Government Covid 19

The Irish government has announced new measures to stem the spread of coronavirus in the country.

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar reinforced the call for people to stay at home and only leave if it is really necessary. In addition, Varadkar asked that all non-essential visits be avoided. Dating outside the home should be limited to four people.

Theaters, playgrounds, clubs and gyms must remain closed, while hotels are only open for non-tourist purposes.

Factories and construction works can continue to function, as long as people maintain the distance recommended by health authorities.

The restrictions are valid until April 19. Police and inspectors will be on the streets to ensure that people obey the rules of social distance.

The government is also committed to helping workers who have lost their jobs or had their workload reduced due to the crisis. The benefit paid to the unemployed will increase to € 350 per week, and those who are quarantined on medical advice will also be entitled to receive it.

Author: Pedro

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