Brazilian Stories

Guilherme – Sao Paulo


My name is Guilherme, I’m from São Paulo, I decided to come to Ireland at the age of 35 to improve my English and seek new opportunities in Brazil.

When did you arrive in Ireland and how long did you stay?
I’ve been in Dublin for 2 years and 5 months

What did you think of the lifestyle of the cities where you’ve lived?
Dublin is very different from Brazil, the weather has a lot of impact on that. The city here is quiet, without violence, you can walk everywhere at any time, the architecture is very beautiful, the history of the city is marked everywhere you go. It’s a place with great job opportunities!

What is the difference between the Irish and the Brazilians?
The Irish are very dry and direct, but they are very polite and welcoming, if you need help and they can do something, it will work!

What is the best part of living in Ireland?
The best part of living here is the job opportunities without a doubt.

What are the things you or other Brazilians miss most about living in Ireland?
Ireland lacks the heat of Brazil, lacks SUN.

Where is your favorite place to visit in Ireland and why?
In Ireland there are many famous movie scenes, there are some remarkable places that are worth visiting, but the first park I went to in Dublin is called Garden of Remembrance, a small but very beautiful place.

What advice would you give someone considering moving to Ireland?
Just come! But come with the head of looking for something better and knowing that you will try hard, but you will get there!

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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