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Fianna Fail register two Brazilians as local election candidates

Brazilians in politics ireland
Brazilians in politics ireland

Caio Benicio, a Brazilian delivery driver hailed as a hero for his courageous intervention in a knife attack, is set to make a foray into Dublin City Council politics. 

Announcing his candidacy as a Fianna Fáil representative for Dublin North Inner City, Benicio garnered praise  for his brave actions during an incident in Parnell Square East on November 23rd last year, where three children and a crèche worker were injured.

Addressing a local audience, Benicio outlined his focus on road safety and immigration, pledging to advocate for immigrants and those engaged in the gig economy. 

Reflecting on the overwhelming support received, with hundreds of thousands of euros raised through a GoFundMe appeal, Benicio expressed a heartfelt desire to give back to the community and help others, viewing politics as a potent avenue for meaningful change. 

Joining him in the political arena, also for the Fianna Fáil party, is another Brazilian, Isabell Oliveira. The 37-year-old immigrant who has called Ireland home for six years, is stepping up to represent her community in Dublin. 

Inspired by the daily struggles faced by residents in the area, Isabel aims to be a strong voice for the people, addressing pressing issues and working towards meaningful solutions. Her priorities for the community encompass a wide range of concerns, including public safety, cleanliness, recreational facilities, and access to essential services like education and healthcare.

With a focus on safer public spaces, Isabel advocates for increased policing and improved lighting to combat crime and violence. She also emphasizes the importance of regular waste collection and upkeep of streets and parks to create cleaner communities. 

With two Brazilian election candidates running for the Fianna Fail party, there’s every chance that the Brazilian community in Dublin is better served.

When are the local elections in Ireland?

Voting in the local elections, European Parliament, and Limerick Mayoral elections will be held on Friday, 7 June 2024.

What constituencies are Caio Benicio and Isabell Oliveira running for?

Caio Benicio and Isabell Oliveira are both running for Dublin North Inner City constituency.

Can I vote as a non-Irish resident?

It is not necessary to be an Irish citizen to vote in the 2024 local elections. As a Brazilian migrant, you can register to cast your vote. The only requirements are as follows:

  1. You must be at least 18 years old
  2. You must reside at an address in Ireland (this can include students or those on a temporary study visa)

Where can I register to view?

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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