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Dublin’s best areas to live for Brazilians

Dublin city areas

One of the first doubts of those who are going to do an exchange program in another country is knowing which are the best neighborhoods to live and which ones should be avoided. So if you’re going to Dublin to study or travel, stay tuned for these tips for staying in Dublin’s best neighborhoods.

A curiosity of Dublin is that the city is divided in half by the River Liffey. Therefore, the city is divided between the North and South regions. There are 24 postal districts, so when you see a street address in Dublin, you see identifications D1 – D2 -D3 and so on. The odd numbers are on the North side and the even numbers on the South side.

Although nowadays both regions, North and South, have good housing and neighborhood options, throughout history the North side was occupied by workers and the South side by the noble class. So, in general, housing values ​​in the North tend to be a little cheaper. 

I must point out, however, that Dublin has almost no inequality and both regions are well developed, with schools, restaurants, health system, transport and have good police coverage.

So, when choosing a neighborhood to stay in Dublin, study before which places you will be going, such as school, restaurants or tours, so it is easier to choose the region where to stay.

Lesser recommended neighborhoods

Although Dublin is a safe city, like any urban center, you need to be careful. There are neighborhoods with a higher rate of criminal occurrences and that, therefore, you can avoid some areas such as:

  • D1 (The neighborhoods of the D1 area are home to many pubs and, occasionally, the spirits among the regulars are altered, so it is good to avoid staying here )
  • D11 – Ballymun
  • D10 – Ballyfermot 
  • D11 – Finglas 
  • D22 – Clondalkin
  • D8 – Thomas Street – Coombe – Inchicore

Should any accommodation opportunity arise in these locations, you need not panic. Compared to Brazil, in general, they are safe neighborhoods, but they are areas that have police incidents more frequently than others.

Where to stay in Dublin

Although we can list some specific neighborhoods, it is worth noting that, in general, Brazilian students prefer to stay in the neighborhoods of areas D4, D6, D3, D9 and D14. We have selected some neighborhoods that you can choose to stay in, whether for permanent residence or tourism.


This neighborhood is more residential, few tourists visit Smithfield. In addition to the family and quiet atmosphere, the neighborhood, throughout the year, hosts some musical and cultural festivals. Therefore, it is a great indication for those who want to immerse themselves in the routine of the locals. The neighborhood has numerous hotels and restaurants, so staying here also saves on transportation.


If you’re looking for a more youthful experience, with pubs and a more urban vibe, Portobello is the best choice, which has a younger population. It has several pubs and hosts several cultural events aimed at young people.

Temple Bar 

Here you will find live music, pubs, sports broadcasts, galleries, exhibitions, bars and restaurants. As the name of the neighborhood already indicates, this is the ideal neighborhood for those who enjoy nightlife. All this in a region with picturesque, traditional and charming architecture. 

Even if you don’t stay here, this is a place you need to know to experience Dublin’s everyday life.

Merrion Square 

A historic area, full of restaurants, bars and commercial establishments for cuisine in general. For those who want to experience a gastronomic experience, this is the ideal neighborhood.

The Docklands

A region that blends the new and the old beautifully and harmoniously, the Dockland is a beautiful and nostalgic place. In addition to Dublin’s renowned cafes and restaurants, here are also some of the city’s cultural facilities. 

It’s your decision

Now, all you have to do is choose which area to stay in. However, an important tip is to avoid signing a long-term contract before arriving in Dublin. Some Brazilians, anxious to resolve everything as soon as possible, end up making advance payments for stays that offer a “unique opportunity” and fall for scams. 

If you want to stay for months in Dublin, for an exchange, for example, an alternative is to first choose a place to stay for a few weeks, through secure lodging and accommodation websites, then, there in Dublin, select the ideal residence for you.

Rest assured that, with proper care, you will live unique experiences in Dublin. Regardless of the neighborhood you stay in, the city has a lot to offer its residents and visitors. So pack your bags and come to Dublin to experience a rich culture and hospitable people.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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