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Disposable Electronic Cigarettes in Ireland: Pressure Growing for a Total Ban

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In recent times, the Irish government has faced increasing pressure to completely ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, having already banned the sale of these products to children. This measure, which is under debate, comes in response to growing concerns related to the environmental and health impacts caused by electronic cigarettes.

Fianna Fáil MP Paul McAuliffe sent a letter to his party’s councilors across the country questioning the true cost of phasing out single-use e-cigarettes and whether this issue was discussed at council meetings. This initiative reflects the growing concern about the environmental impact of these products.

Junior minister Ossian Smyth, responsible for the circular economy, has already spoken out in favor of banning disposable e-cigarettes due to their negative impact on the environment. However, to date no legislation has been introduced, and Minister Smyth previously announced he would hold a public consultation before making a decision.

The public consultation closed in August, and the minister indicated that disposable e-cigarettes could be banned under the terms of the Circular Economy Law, which allows for the ban of single-use products, as well as the European single-use plastics directive.

The UK took action over the summer to ban disposable e-cigarettes, and France has also announced similar plans. Additionally, Australia allows the purchase of e-cigarettes only with a prescription, while Germany has already banned flavored e-cigarettes, and New Zealand has restricted the sale and promotion of these products to children.

Over the summer, many councilors contacted Representative McAuliffe to express concerns about the proliferation of disposable e-cigarettes on the streets. These products are found in planters and discarded in common trash, which contributes to increased environmental pollution. The key issue here is that these e-cigarettes contain batteries that can only be properly disposed of under the WEEE battery recycling scheme. Therefore, instead of reducing the waste problem caused by cigarettes, they worsen it due to their single-use nature.

Rep. McAuliffe also emphasizes the importance of the environmental aspect of this issue and urges the government to move forward with legislation to ban the single-use element of e-cigarettes. He highlights that these products are everywhere, on the streets, in planters, and people are throwing them in common trash, which ends up going to landfills.

Another notable initiative was the ban on disposable electronic cigarettes on the Electric Picnic festival grounds, which was praised by Minister Smyth. This demonstrates a growing awareness of the problems associated with single-use e-cigarettes, both in terms of health and the environment.

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly passed laws before the summer banning the sale of e-cigarettes, whether disposable or not, to under-18s. This measure was taken with the aim of reducing the risk of nicotine addiction among young people. Donnelly also expressed concerns about e-cigarette flavors, which he believes are designed to appeal to children, with options like watermelon, bubble gum or raspberry. However, it is important to note that the recent restrictions do not apply to disposable e-cigarettes. Additionally, advertising and sales of these products in areas close to schools and playgrounds have also been restricted.

Environmental group Voice Ireland wrote to Minister Smyth last month, stating that single-use e-cigarettes are “almost advertised as sweets”. The group started a petition with nearly 3,000 signatures to ban the sale of these products.

The debate over whether to ban disposable e-cigarettes in Ireland is far from over, and pressure on the government continues to mount. While other countries, such as the United Kingdom and France, have already taken steps in this regard, Ireland is still in the process of public consultation and impact assessment. The environment and public health are the main concerns in this debate.

Environmental Impact of Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

One of the main concerns raised by supporters of banning disposable e-cigarettes is their environmental impact. These devices are often found polluting streets and public spaces as many people dispose of them inappropriately. The problem lies in the fact that these electronic cigarettes contain batteries that cannot simply be thrown in the regular trash. Instead, they should be disposed of in accordance with the appropriate battery recycling procedures set out in the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) scheme.

This concern about improper disposal of disposable e-cigarettes increases the burden on landfills and contributes to environmental pollution. Furthermore, these products are made of plastic and contain precious metals, making their disposal even more problematic from an environmental point of view. Therefore, banning these single-use devices is seen as a necessary measure to address environmental pollution and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Public Health and Attractiveness to Young People

Another key concern regarding disposable e-cigarettes is their potential attractiveness to young people. Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has expressed concern about the flavors of these products, claiming they are designed to appeal to children and teenagers. Flavors such as watermelon, bubble gum and raspberry may seem appealing to young people, increasing the risk that they will try these products and become dependent on nicotine at an early age.

To combat this problem, the Irish government has passed laws banning the sale of electronic cigarettes, including disposable cigarettes, to anyone under 18. Additionally, measures have been implemented to restrict the advertising and sale of these products in areas close to schools and playgrounds. However, concerns persist due to the widespread availability of disposable e-cigarettes on the streets and their attractiveness to young people.

International Examples of Prohibition

Several countries around the world have already taken steps to ban disposable e-cigarettes, recognizing the environmental and health problems associated with these products. In the UK, the ban was implemented over the summer, with the aim of reducing environmental damage caused by single-use devices.

Similarly, France has also announced plans to ban disposable e-cigarettes. These actions indicate a global trend toward recognizing the risks associated with these products and the need for regulatory action.

In Australia, electronic cigarettes can only be purchased with a prescription, in order to control their access and use. Germany has banned flavored e-cigarettes, thus reducing the attractiveness of these products for young people. New Zealand has also implemented significant restrictions on the sale and promotion of e-cigarettes, especially targeting children.


Pressure on the Irish government to ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes is growing as concerns about the environment and public health grow. The issue of inappropriate disposal of these devices and their contribution to environmental pollution are of great concern.

Furthermore, the attractiveness of disposable e-cigarette flavors to young people raises additional concerns about early nicotine dependence and its negative health effects.

While other countries have already taken steps to ban these products, Ireland is in the process of assessing the best regulatory approach. The debate over whether to ban disposable e-cigarettes will continue, and the final decision will have significant implications for the country’s environment and public health.

As the Irish government faces this growing pressure, awareness of the impacts of these products and public participation are crucial. Brazilian citizens living in Ireland are directly involved in this evolving debate and should monitor future developments closely.

Stay tuned for updates on this important issue and its implications for Ireland and its environment. Protecting the environment and public health is a fundamental priority for all residents of Ireland, including the Brazilian community.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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