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5 Tips for cycling in Dublin

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The capital of Ireland is a flat city, so getting around by bike is one of the best options for those who want to save on transport. So, if you are in doubt whether it is worth cycling in Dublin, check out our tips.

First of all, you should know that Dublin has an excellent cycle path structure. However, the truth is that there are many points to be improved. One is that, at some points, the continuity of the track is confusing.

Those who are not used to it, like tourists, may find the traffic a little aggressive with cyclists. At some points, traffic can scare you. In addition, in some pedestrian priority stretches, you need to get off the bike to ride dismounted (pushing the skinny one).

However, in recent years, the city has made a series of changes in its structure and cycling in Dublin is becoming more and more attractive. If you want to cycle through the streets of the Irish capital, check out these tips.

1- Use o Dublinbikes

Dublin’s public bicycle hire system is recognized as one of the most efficient in the world. Therefore, to take your first pedals, our initial tip is to use this system.

Check the Dublinbikes price list:

  • 1-day subscription: €3.50.
  • 3-day subscription: €5.
  • Annual subscription: €35.
  • Security deposit: €150.
  • First half hour: free.
  • 1 hour: €0.50.
  • 2 hours: €1.50.
  • 3 hours: €3.50.
  • 4 hours: €6.50.
  • Each additional half hour: €2.

2- Protect your bike

Although Dublin is a quiet city, it is not free of bad people. Bike theft rates here are high by Irish standards, so don’t leave your bike lying around.

Use a padlock and always try to put it in the right places. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle in Brazil knows how to prevent theft. Some key tips are:

  • Use thick chain or with external protection
  • If possible, use more than one lock
  • In open places, store it among other bikes, leaving it in the middle, mixed with so many other bikes.

Here at, we have already published abicycle theft article.

3- Use the right equipment

When cycling in Dublin you must use reflector lamps. Although the use of a helmet and reflective vest is not mandatory, we recommend that you do.

The horn and brake equipment on the bicycle are also mandatory.

4- Use your arms to indicate that you are going to turn

Although it is unusual in Brazil, it is highly recommended that you use your arms to indicate that you are going to turn left or right when riding a bicycle.

In addition to alerting cars and motorcycles, other cyclists understand what you intend to do. This has lessened incidents with other cyclists.

And don’t forget to always keep to the left, as traffic in Ireland follows the English standard.

5- Follow the traffic rules

It may seem obvious, but remember that, as a foreigner, the last thing you want is to get involved in any legal matters in another country, right? So, when cycling around Dublin, remember to follow the fundamental traffic rules, such as:

  • Do not ride on sidewalks, highways or against the grain
  • Don’t stick to the traffic lights
  • Do not ride a bicycle under the influence of alcohol.
  • Stop the bicycle for students to cross the street

These are the main tips for those who want to cycle in Dublin. More information can be obtained from the site and RSA, Ireland’s transit authority.


Now that you know the routine of those who ride a bicycle in Dublin, you can prepare yourself for your first rides. Take advantage of the city’s flat geography, save money on transportation, andexercise. Without a doubt, cycling is one of the best physical activities to keep your body healthy.

Author: Thiago

Mudei-me para a Irlanda 2012. Trabalho como administrador de empresas e viajo muito para a Europa com meu trabalho. Gosto de escrever e de atletismo durante minhas férias e tento visitar amigos e familiares todos os anos no Brasil.
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